Create Your Dream Kitchen & Bathroom New Cabinets & Countertops

The excitement of a new home can fade quickly. We all react to this event differently. You could build a new home. This option is for the more moneyed among us. Others choose to live with that old house. There is an option in between: a remodel. My family chose to go with remodeling. A lot of work was required, but we love the results and with the kitchen cabinet refinishing Bountiful, UT specialists we used.

Our bathroom needed a remodel more than every other room put together. Due to the moisture, the entire bathroom--countertops, the vanity, tiles--was seemingly in shambles. We had some choices to make, but fortunately we had a wonderful remodeling agency on our side. Would we want granite floors? What about quartz cabinets?

To liven things up, we decided that the bathroom and kitchen would each have their own unique materials. Our bathroom contains granite counters with an oak vanity with granite trim; the bathroom cabinets featured a similar style. In our kitchen, we chose quartz countertops and hardwood floors.

Now that the kitchen and bathroom remodels are complete, we feel much better about our home. Hopefully, it'll will be another decade before we want to remodel again.

kitchen cabinet refinishing Bountiful, UT